Specialist Provision

As a school, we want to make sure all our children achieve their best and that those with Special Educational Needs receive the extra support they need in order to do so. As part of the Surrey Local Offer, you'll find below all information on the ways we support our Vision Impaired and SEND children to do just that.


Please contact us if you would like to discuss your child's needs.

Inclusion Leader/SENDCo: Rebecca Hodges

Email: rhodges@ststephens.surrey.sch.uk 

Phone: 01342 892219

Specialist Centre for the Vision Impaired

Our aim is to support children in becoming independent learners.

At St. Stephen’s we include children with a vision impairment in as much class-based learning as possible.  We do this by creating vision friendly environments and also by developing children’s skills so that they can become independent learners.

We have excellent resources to enhance learning. We have a wide range of equipment to support access to all areas of the curriculum in Braille or modified print.

Specialist teachers and experienced teaching assistants provide support to help each child acquire the skills to become independent learners.  ICT equipment and training is provided to suit each child’s specific needs.

To read our specific Vision Impairment School Based Offer, click here.

To read our Vision Impairment Policy, click here.

VI Promotional Video

Waves of Support

Our Waves of Support intervention model is a graduated approach to inclusive quality first teaching for all.

To find out more detail about this, read our Waves of Support document.

For more information on some of the interventions we offer, take a look at our Interventions page.

Special Educational Needs Pathway

If you, as a parent or carer, or one of our staff feel your child is experiencing difficulty, we have outlined a pathway of provision as follows:


SEND Report

To read our latest SEND Report, please click here.


Other Policies

To read our SEND Policy, Single Equality Scheme and all other policies, see our policy page here.



We strive to do our best for your children, however should you have a complaint about our provision, please follow our Complaints Procedure which can be found on our policy page here.